Sunday, July 27, 2008

Excellent Engrish t-shirt numero dos!

Today I got an AWESOME Engrish t-shirt in Itaewon, and it makes me happeeeee.  I was there to buy an iron, ironing board, hair dryer, and hair straightener from a Canadian girl who was leaving town.  (By the way: my hair?  Is apparently curly now.  It is the STRANGEST thing ever.  It used to be straight as a stick, but since I've been here it's been like POOF, BEEYOTCH.  So weird.)

Anyway: the shirt!  It's amazing.  It looks gray in the pictures, but it's actually lavender.

Feast your eyes on THIS.

(Across the top it says "SOMEONE WOULD...SEND ME ENERGY")


Anonymous said...

I laughed so loud Lucy just came to see if I was alright. That is an Excellent! T-shirt indeed. I would love to have one of those to wear to work. Post a picture of your kewrly hair. I want to see it! Also, do you get a heads-up if someone adds a comment days after a post? When you posted about gym class, I thought about the warm-ups from church camp. Star Wars? and the Rainy sounding thing? W.A.Y.C.H?

Liesl said...

Welcome to the curly-headed club! You should embrace it, toss that straightener aside. All you have to do is put some gel on it when it is wet and don't touch it for the rest of the day. Post pics of results!

Kate Croft said...

Absolutely. Brilliant.

Yoonie said...

Hm. Maybe it's the difference in water? In any case, you look preeetty. :D

Diana said...

I want your t-shirt. And your body. But mostly your t-shirt.