Friday, May 29, 2009

One more time: "awww!" (But for another reason...)

Title: My grandfather died
(a picture diary)
by Dannypants [once again, the last part was appended by me!]

Today my grandfather died.  So we went to a funeral hall.  This is how grandfather died.  First, he is 95 years old.  Second, he is sick.  Third, he is died.  I'm so sad.  That mean I can't meet him anymore.  I thought in sky country My grandfather will be okay.  And he is very old.  (Not that Julian's grandmother.  She is 97 years old!)  Do you think my grandfather will be okay in sky country?

All together now: "awwww!"

Title: Baseball
(a picture diary)
by Steve-o [the latter two characters were appended by his teacher; he has since adopted them.  Score!]

I played baseball with my father.  My father great played the baseball.  My father hit the ball and ball is homerun.  I thought he is power ful.  me too.  ^.^  He helped me when I studied.  He is very kind.  I love him.  I love baseball.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Mexico peoples is bad.

Title: I look Mexico peoples
(a picture diary)
by Alex

I look Mexico people.  They play mexico instrument.  This is very bad.  Because sing is very big and bad.  trumpet is very big voice  And Mexico peoples has pig influenza.  I don't like mexico an annual tide