While they were working, I was grading their chapter summaries--they're reading Charlotte's Web (in their second language....because they are rockstars)--and I came to Bill's summary. It was typed and had a little clip art picture (aww). Bill is younger than the rest; he skipped a grade both in his regular school and at our private language school, and sometimes you can see the age gap in his behavior. He's kind of outburst-y and can't seem to sit still and be quiet when he needs to be. In fact, I've had to take off points from every test of his so far because he talked during the test (and one time even gave away the bonus question!). But despite his lack of self-control, sometimes he knows the answer to a question when none of the other kids know it, and he generally does well.
I got to Bill's summary. It was a paragraph long (about 8 or 9 sentences), and...y'all. There were no mistakes. NONE. Not a single mistake! So I figured he must have had the help of his mom or a tutor or someone; still, though, it was great. But after they turned in their tests, I asked him if anyone had helped him. And it turns out he did it all by himself! I NEVER thought I'd see a paper with no mistakes. It made my lil heart sing.
Of course, Bill also farted his way through the test and almost killed me with the smell. This happened several times: we'd all be sitting there silently, and a wave of stank would smack me upside the head. "BILL...?!?!" I'd say. And his little 8-year-old voice would say "sorryyyy!" So I suppose you have to take the good with the bad. :c)
1 comment:
It is about time you got a taste of your own medicine, you little fart monger.
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