First, from the morning: the parking lot below my temporary apartment.
I do the regularly-parked cars get OUT? The double-parked ones are all up in their Kool-Aid! [note: I later learned that people push the double-parked cars out of the way. Or else call the phone numbers displayed in their windshields to get people to move them. Seems totally inefficient, but....whatev, you silly Koreans!
Second: my first squatty-potty experience!!!!
And finally, third:
Okay, I'm off to take a shower and go in for a little more training. Then, a little shopping jaunt. Yay! Today's going to be much more fun; I'll see to it. :c)
You neglected to mention your squatting-and-peeing-in-the-parking-lot-of-Disneyworld squatting experience. Because THAT is something that the internet needs to know about. So don't worry, Cow Head, I'll take care of it. LORI PEED IN THE PARKING LOT OF DISNEYWORLD, EVERYONE!!
She also peed in my front yard! Thank Grooness it was after midnight. I don't even let the dog do that. How do people push someone else's car out of the way? Don't they lock their cars?
Lori has also peed in front of Lakeside housing at Furman, and, my personal favorite, in the median of I-77 in standstill traffic. Under the cover of an afghan.
And behind a dumpster in Bonn, Germany.
wow...I've kind of peed outside in a lot of places, huh? I oughta start a Thing about peeing outside. like....a club. or fad. or cult. something like that. it'd be AWESOME!
oh--and people push the cars because the cars are left in neutral. isn't that crazy?
oh I just re-read this entry, and I noticed a small but humorous typo. I said that in that chair your spine doesn't press into "your thing," but I meant "anything." talking about your spine pressing into your thing sounds...well....kind of dirty, if not biologically impossible. or maybe I just have a dirty mind. that's also possible.
Now that you have clarified about the chair, i have gone from being terrified to fascinated by it. Feel free to send one this way so we can all try it.
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