Thursday, July 24, 2008

rando chantyman

Every morning around 8:30 or 9am, some guy wanders by our apartment, chant-groaning something indiscernable.  It freaked me all the heck out the first morning here.  I think he walks up and down each floor of our building (we're on the 13th of 15 or so floors).  Since the building is outside access--in other words, the hallways are outdoors--I first heard him in the distance.  I couldn't tell what the noise was, or even whether it was human in origin; it was just a faint droning, so I didn't think much about it.  The apartment isn't air-conditioned, so all our windows were open.  In fact, I'd propped the apartment door open to help with the air circulation.  (We're at the end of the building.)

And then the droning grew louder.

Just as I decided that the noise was definitely human, I also realized that it was coming from my floor.  ("And the call was coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE."  Dun dun dunnnn!)  Whoever it was was getting CLOSER, and LOUDER, and the door was wide open.  Y'all, I almost peed myself.  Senor Droneyman got all the way up to our door--as close as possible without actually being in the doorway--and then turned around and droned his way back toward the elevator.


He came back the next day too, and the next day...and every day since.  I talked to Roommate Jake about it, and we think he might be blessing the building?  Or something?  The droning sounds vaguely chant-like, so we think he might be performing some kind of Buddhist ritual.  I've been meaning to ask Roommate Kevin (one of the Korean school administrators) about it, but I rarely see him.  Half the time I don't even know if Kevin's here, since he keeps his door closed.  I've gotta find out, though; I'm really curious!


Unknown said...

Does it sound like he's saying "sae-tak...sae-tak"? If so, he's the dry cleaning man. He picks up your dry cleaning, and brings it back to you the next day or next week, depending on how much clothes you give him, and when you specify that you need it done.


Lori said...

You're absolutely right. :c) Actually, just a couple hours before you posted that comment, I asked Korean Roommate Kevin about our chantiful friend...and he said it was a woman (!!) collecting dry-cleaning. I was SO DISAPPOINTED. How much fun is that?! NONE AT ALL.

....except that the idea of door-to-door dry-cleaning service is kind of brilliant. Why has no one thought of this in the US? (Although maybe people do it in cities where lots of people live in apartments; I don't know.)

Yoonie said...

No, not even in NYC! :( Yes, I miss door-to-door dry cleaning...