Saturday, September 27, 2008

My lovely walk to school

I'm moving this weekend...hopefully.  I've got syllabi and report cards to write (I LOVE the end of the month!  PSYCH), plus various other things to do, so I may not have time to move until this coming week.  But no matter when I get around to it, I'll soon be leaving my temporary apartment and settling into my new place.  Woohoo!

I'm looking forward to living with Kyle; we're two peas in the same dorky pod.  I've written about him before...he's the one whose nerdiness is strikingly similar to my own nerdiness.  And it'll be nice to be settled in for the year so I can start putting up pictures on the walls and generally domesticating my living space.  That said, I'll also miss my current apartment.  It's a .3-mile walk to school (as opposed to maybe .6 miles--OH THE HUMANITY), but the biggest reason involves the things I see on my walk to and from school everyday.

About two-thirds of my walk involves winding my way through my complex of high-rise apartment buildings.  Due to the amount of foot traffic, people set up booths and sell things almost every day.  I've seen furniture, produce, socks (a whole booth full of them!), shoes, bedding, raw seafood, clothes, and cooked meals.  As I mentioned recently, it's really quite delightful to step out of my building and find out what's for sale today.

Since I'm moving soon, I realized that I needed to take a video soon of the daily mini-market.  I'd been contemplating how or whether to capture it, since I didn't want to be that rude person who walks by video-taping you.  As a trade-off between that concern and wanting to share that lovely slice of morning with you all, I took a short video with my camera held near my belly-button as I walked.  It's a bit shaky and poorly-aimed, but I hope you can get the idea.  There's more market-ness further along, but I just got the first part.

Enjoy!  :c)


Nomarella said...

I now feel sorry for baby kangaroos.

Anonymous said...

What's the squeeling? Captive monkeys?????