Saturday, September 13, 2008

HEATWAVE! This is my island in the sun [oi oi]

Sunday is Chusok, a Thankgsiving-like holiday when everyone in Korea takes to the roads and the air to visit their families.  Seeing as how my own family is on the other side of the planet, I'm going on vacation instead!  I'm headed to Jeju Island, which has been called the Hawaii of Korea.  It's down on the south end, and it's got a big ol volcano and other cool stuff.  I'm hoping it'll be warm enough to go to the beach, too!  I'm going with my friend and fellow teacher Amanda, and it should be an awesome time.

Gotta finish packing....eek!  Happy Chusok, back Tuesday night!      :c)


Unknown said...

So I'm really tired right now, so that's my excuse for the following thoughts that crossed my mind as I was reading your post:

"Heat wave? I wonder if it's been cold there. Oh yeah, Chusok. That's like Thanksgiving. I wonder if it's weird that they are having a heat wave in November. Perhaps it's warmer on the other side of the country. Oh wait. It's not November in Korea, because it's in the same hemisphere as us. Oh wait. Lori is not in another month, just another time zone. I feel pretty dumb. Let me share with everyone."

Nomarella said...

Cha cha, I am very glad you shared that with us. It made me laugh :)