(Those are Angela and James. HOW CUTE ARE THEY?)
Dear Goldilocks
Goldilocks I think you are bad child. you brake little bears chair and you mess mother bear and father bear bed. you have to good to your baby or your friend. ok? you are so bed. you have to promise me.
[Stephanie is the monkey-faced one in the first picture]
Dear Goldilocks,
I'm writing this letter because I am not happy with you. you messed three bears all things. you are so so so bad. How come??? You doesn't asked someone??
I said that's bad thing.
You have to respect someone's things. you have to learn this. Ok? ok? I want to make you better then that.
[back right, pink shirt]
Christine, hon...you can't fight people's battles for them! Goldilocks will NEVER CHANGE. You need to cut her out of your life! :c)
OMG! Mail that Stephanie girl to me right now..
I knooow! Stephanie is ridiculously cute. She also looooooves Lori Teacher. (Girl has good taste.)
You had James and Angela in your intensives? They were 2 of my preschoolers last year lol.
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